Where Should You Wear a Dosimeter or TLD During Fluoroscopy?

Those performing fluoroscopy procedures are advised to use two radiation dosimeters, one on the collar that is worn outside the cable and one on the chest that is placed under the lead apron. Use TLD Ring Dosimetry on the finger that will potentially receive the highest shallow dose equivalent. Different projections in a fluoroscopic procedure result in different doses of radiation for the patient and staff. When a projection with high obliquity is used, the photons have to pass through a thicker section of the patient's body, resulting in increased fluoroscopic exposure parameters (mainly kV) to maintain image quality.

The table below shows the relative exposure rates for the different projections. The U3 ring dosimeter provides a measurement of the equivalent radiation dose in the extremities received by the lower arm and hand. This dosimeter should be used under the protective latex glove on a finger of the hand that is likely to receive the most radiation exposure. The table below lists the regulatory and external dose limits against which the personnel dosimeter results are compared.

A radiation plate, also known as a dosimeter plate, is a device that workers use on a daily basis if they work in facilities with high amounts of radiation. The following definitions list each type of dosimeter along with the area to be used and the importance of each reading. A dosimeter placed outside the lead apron at neck level should be used to estimate the dose to the eyes until advanced eye dosimeters are available. They are generally not a substitute for legally required dosimetry, but they do provide quick dose information concurrently with each procedure.

The P1 dosimeter provides a measurement of the dose equivalent of deep (DDE) and shallow (SDE) radiation received throughout the body when used in conjunction with the P8 collar whole body dosimeter. Another important rule is to avoid borrowing or borrowing the dosimeter badge, which means employees must wear the badge with their name. The P8 dosimeter provides a comparative measurement of the equivalent depth (DDE), surface (SDE) and lens of the eye (LDE) radiation dose when used in conjunction with the whole body dosimeter P1. If employees are given an annular dosimeter, it is best to carry it in the dominant hand with the label section facing the palm of the hand. With proper use of a dosimeter or radiation badge, you can get information about your amount of exposure and when it's time to stop working at a certain location for safety reasons.

This dosimeter should be used at neck level, external to the lead apron and thyroid shield, if one is used. The best way to control staff doses is to make full use of personal dosimetry available in your country. The purpose of a dosimetry badge is to document your occupational radiation exposure and demonstrate compliance with annual dose limits and ALARA levels. When personal dosimetry is not available, a dosimeter attached to the C-arm can provide an estimate of the dose received by medical personnel.